
Problem Note 64336: The GLIMMIX procedure might produce incorrect ILINK results for estimates involving a random effect

DetailsCodeAboutRate It

PROC GLIMMIX produces incorrect results for the inversely linked estimate of the mean and its standard error when these conditions are met:

  • The DIST=MULTINOMIAL and LINK=GLOGIT options are specified in the MODEL statement,
  • A RANDOM statement is specified,
  • A random effect is specified in the ESTIMATE statement, and
  • The ILINK option is specified in the ESTIMATE statement

If the CL option is specified in the ESTIMATE statement, the confidence interval for the inversely linked mean is also incorrect.

There is one exception, and the problem does not occur for multirow estimates when the random effect is continuous.

See the Full Code tab for examples that illustrate the problem. 

There is no circumvention for this problem.



Operating System and Release Information

Product FamilyProductSystemProduct ReleaseSAS Release
SAS SystemSAS/STATz/OS15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft® Windows® for x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise 32-bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8 Enterprise x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro 32-bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise 32-bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows 1015.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Std15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 201615.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Microsoft Windows Server 201915.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Enterprise x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Home Premium x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Professional x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Windows 7 Ultimate x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
64-bit Enabled AIX15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
64-bit Enabled Solaris15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
HP-UX IPF15.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Linux for x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
Solaris for x6415.115.29.4 TS1M69.4 TS1M7
* For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be fixed.